Friday, September 28, 2012

Meadows Farms At It Again

Long Time Sponsor and Former Alumni Owner Jay Meadows Beautifies Broad Run
Donations and Discounts Bring New Life to the Landscape of Sparta
Pictures by Jessica DiNovo (SR)- BR Wrestling PR Manager

     Over the years Meadows Farms, owned by former BR wrestler, and current Alumni member, Jay Meadows, has partnered with Broad Run for numerous different projects.  But this time, he and his crews have outdone themselves by giving a "new face" to the exterior of Broad Run High School.

     Throughout the past months, Meadows Farms trucks have been in and out, hauling shrubbery, trees, mulch and numerous colorful plants all over the building in an effort to beautify the landscape around the campus of Broad Run.  On every possible side of the school are new plants and trees, including the trailer areas, which went from looking like something out of a low income shanty town, to a respectable living or teaching environment.  The transformation has been noticed by teachers and students alike, and has brought a new sense of pride and respect to the school, which is currently the one of the oldest in the county.

     The staff and students of Broad Run could not be more thankful for the work being done, and it is awesome to see our alumni association being represented by such generous people.  Take a look below at the great work done by Meadows Farms!


Heisler Completes Marathon

Alumni Sam Heisler Completes His 1st Marathon

Alumni Sam Heisler takes his "Hero" pose following the race.
     This September Sam Heisler completed his first 26.2 miles of fun on the run, racing in the USO Air Force Marathon in beautiful Dayton, OH.  Sam took the race on as a personal challenge of his own mental and physical toughness, and as a way to motivate himself to stay healthy and in better shape.  Finishing n a time of just under 6 hours, Sam said, "it wasn't my goal time, but I was happy to finish my first race." 

     In the days following the race, as obvious soreness and fatigue set in, Heisler expressed a feeling of pride and respect for himself and his accomplishment and hope to run another next May or June.  While training 4 days a week, and running as much as 20 miles at a time, was not ideal, he did credit the work ethic and drive learned from the Broad Run Wrestling program as a major motivating factor in accomplishing his goal. 

     Congratulations to our alumni brother and we look forward to seeing him out on the roads again soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wrestling Clinic - October 17th

UVA's Alex Clemsen Bringing the "Virginia Way" to Broad Run
Clinic to be Held October 17th from 5-7pm

     After years of getting some of the best coaching around at camp each summer, Broad Run Wrestling and the Ashburn Wrestling Club are bringing the Virginia Way to the BR room.  The camp will be held in the Aux Gym on two mats and will focus on preparing wrestlers from around the area for the upcoming season,and more specifically the Super 32 Tournament in North Carolina being held October 20-21st. 

   Alex Clemsen is currently the Assistant Coach for the Cavaliers in his 4th year with the program.  After graduating from Edinboro, where he was a 4x NCAA Qualifier and an All-American, he went came onto the staff in 2009 joining Coach Steve Garland.  Clemsen is credited with over 120 wins while at Edinboro and the clinic will look to take that knowledge and use it to the advantage of those who attend.

     The clinic will focus on proper drilling tempo, safe and effective use of setups and proper angles of attack, as well as proper positioning from the top and bottom.  Admission for Broad Run Wrestlers is free and only $5 for those from other schools.  For more information, please check out the flyer attached. 

Broad Run Grapplers and Ghouls 5K Event is Up and Running
Sponsors Set, Post Race Meeting Set, People Ready to Run

     With just a little over a month to go until the big race, the preparations are being put into place for the 1st Annual Grapplers and Ghouls Gallop on October 27th.  This 5K event is aiming to pull the Ashburn community together with the current and alumni wrestlers to help grow support for the sport of wrestling and to bring people out to get some exercise and have some fun.

     For the wrestlers, this will be the first unofficial practice of the year, as the 5K comes during the dead period for Winter sports in Virginia, which does not allow for specific sport-related practices to be held by coaches.  For alumni, it's a time to reconnect, run with some buddies, but more importantly, catch up afterwards at Glory Days Grill, who is a major sponsor of the event, along with Ben Heisler Homes.

     Runners can compete in a number of areas, either against people of a similar age - the Elementary, Middle and High School groups - or to compete against old friends and teammates - the SWAA group.  For those running in the General Public, the categories are distributed by age with awards waiting for those able to finish in the top 3 of each category.

     Adding to the fun will be the inclusion of the Best Costume Contest, which will reward the top two costumes that run the race.  Some have mentioned running in full wrestler gear, while some have expressed interest in breaking out an old costume just for the fun of it.

     The event is October 27th and starts at 9am at Broad Run HS.  Plenty of parking is avaiable and everyone is welcome to attend.  For more information or to sign up for the race visit and look for the Grapplers and Ghouls graphic!! 

Broad Run Would Like to Thank the Following Sponsors of this Event

Sunday, September 23, 2012


    Welcome to the Online Newsletter for 

Broad Run Wrestling and the Spartan Wrestling Alumni Association

Your #1 Spot for Up to the Minute Information on BR Wrestling and Alumni Events

          Welcome to the NEW and Improved Online Newsletter for Broad Run Wrestling and the Spartan Wrestling Alumni Association!  We continue to work on new and improved ways to get information out to everyone as quickly as possible and in the most efficient and cost effective ways for everyone.  Please take a look and read up on all the new things happening around the program and with the alumni!  We hope you enjoy!