Monday, March 11, 2013

Upcoming Events for BRW

Mulch Sale, Fauquier Tourney, Camp All Approaching

     With the season officially closed, it is now time to start planning for the rest of the year.  With that in mind, here are some upcoming events, as well as information on things for the spring and summer.

 1. Off-Season MAWA Tournament at Fauquier HS - Sunday, March 17th - All Day

     This Sunday the Ashburn Wrestling club will travel to Fauquier HS, about an hour away, to get our first off-season matches under our belt.  All Broad Run Wrestlers are invited and encouraged to attend.  Singlets can be provided for those that do not have them, though they must be returned that day.

     Rides can be provided as well, but if we can get a couple of parents to car pool it would be greatly appreciated.  For more information, click here, or attend Club practice this Tuesday or Thursday. 

2. The Mulch Sale - Saturday, March 23rd - All Day

      On Saturday the 23rd, the Broad Run Wrestling team will meet to spread the mulch sold by the BR Booster Club.  This is a HUGE fundraising event for the program, and all the proceeds go DIRECTLY to an account for summer camp for each child.

     The money earned is totaled and then split by the # of hours worked by each wrestler.  In the past, wrestlers who worked all day earned over $100 towards camp at UVA, approximately 1/4 of the price!!

     Wrestlers should start signing up with the coaches to let us know you will be working.  You WILL GET DIRTY!!  We may need a few parents to drive kids around, especially if you have a truck.

3. Summer Camp at the Univ. of Virginia - Sun., July 7 - Wed., July 10 - Overnight

     While Summer Camp seems a long way off, we want to reserve our spot!  Every year we have taken over 20 kids to camp, and we want to do it again!

     UVA runs a team camp and the kids will learn technique as well as wrestle dual matches each day.  It is fun and a great way to build a team connection as well as your skill level.  Money from the mulch sale will go towards attending and we get a discount when we have over 10 people.  For more information on UVA Camp, click here.

     Registration can be brought to Coach Totaro, or send directly to UVA.

If you have any questions email Coach Totaro ( or Coach Costa (


Banquet Goes Great

Spartans Close the Season with Their Banquet

  Though it seems like November was just here, another season is in the books, and the Spartans ended it in the usual fashion - the End of Season banquet.  

  The banquet was held Sunday night at Broad Run with food and desserts from parents as well as the main course from All-American Steakhouse.  The night went off without a hitch with JV wrestlers receiving their awards, pins, and their newly minted Ausberry Trained t-shirts to signify the finishing of their first season under Coach Ausberry.

  From there it was on to the Varsity Team who also received their Costa Trained t-shirts, along with their letters, service bars, captain stars, and so much more.  Earning this year's Coaches Award for his incredible turn around season and a State qualification was Timmy Brown, a sophoore for the Spartans.  Earning Most Improved was Timmy's practice partner and Region qualifier Tyler Corbo.  Finally, the MVP for the season was none other than Connor Bryant who led the team in matches, wins and pins on the season.

  And let us not forget about our Seniors and Senior managers.  Each Senior was awarded a 16x20 poster of their accomplishments this season, along with pictures of them in action, marble plaques provided by Spartan sponsor James J. Totaro & Associates ( a tradition now in its 9th year), and their shirts and other awards.  

  Earning Captain Stars were Clayton Shepherd and Logan Shain, who both also won scholarships through the program (the Loya Scholarship and Spartan Wrestler scholarship respectively).  

  Finally, we honored our Senior managers, who will be greatly missed, as well as our team parents, the Martin's who retire after 3 years as Spartan Parents, but were added to our wall of Heroes.

  We look forward to a great off-season and seeing everyone throughout the year before next November when we start it all again!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ashburn Wrestling Club Begins

Ashburn Wrestling Club Up and Running Again
1st Practice Hosts Over 30 Kids

  The Ashburn Wrestling Club opened its doors yesterday to begin its Spring Season practices and had over 30 kids. With participants from both middle and high school ages and with multiple local schools represented, and the club got off to a great start. 

  The AWC practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7:30pm in the Broad Run Wrestling Room. Practices are open to all middle and high school wrestlers and there is no fee required to join. Participants are expected to purchase a USA Wrestling Card for insurance purposes, which can be purchased at and are also expected to cover any tournament fees at tournaments they decide to attend. Singlets will be provided to those who need them on competition days. 

  No experience is required to attend or join. If there are further questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at or 

  For those interested in a higher level, more intense level of practice, the AWC will be offering the Ashburn Elite Program and the Ashburn Junior Elite program which will be held Sundays. These practices are meant for the wrestler looking to enhance their skill and technique through a high-level, intense practice with quality wrestling partners. These practices are fast paced and would be equivalent to an in-season Varsity level practice. There is a fee associated with this program and more information can be received at the banquet or by contacting the coaches at the emails above. 

Banquet This Weekend

Wrestling Awards Banquet Sunday March 10th
Ceremony from 5-7pm

  As another season comes to a close, it is time to celebrate the 2012-2013 season. Our ceremony will be held in the Aux Gym and the Wrestling Room. Dinner and dessert is provided and all wrestlers and their families are welcome to attend. 

  Dinner will consist of appetizers, a main course of chicken, ribs and a loaded baked potato from the All-American Steakhouse, as well as salad and rolls.  Various desserts will also be available as well as a team cake. 

  Seniors are reminded to bring their shoes to be retired in our final ceremony.  Any wrestlers who have not returned equipment and/or gear should bring it to the banquet. Those who have not RSVP'ed should do so as soon as possible to be sure we have everything covered.

  Anyone interested in helping with set up should show up around 4pm to help - your efforts are greatly appreciated! 

  See everyone there!!