Mulch Sale, Fauquier Tourney, Camp All Approaching
With the season officially closed, it is now time to start planning for the rest of the year. With that in mind, here are some upcoming events, as well as information on things for the spring and summer.
1. Off-Season MAWA Tournament at Fauquier HS - Sunday, March 17th - All Day
This Sunday the Ashburn Wrestling club will travel to Fauquier HS, about an hour away, to get our first off-season matches under our belt. All Broad Run Wrestlers are invited and encouraged to attend. Singlets can be provided for those that do not have them, though they must be returned that day.
Rides can be provided as well, but if we can get a couple of parents to car pool it would be greatly appreciated. For more information, click here, or attend Club practice this Tuesday or Thursday.
2. The Mulch Sale - Saturday, March 23rd - All Day
On Saturday the 23rd, the Broad Run Wrestling team will meet to spread the mulch sold by the BR Booster Club. This is a HUGE fundraising event for the program, and all the proceeds go DIRECTLY to an account for summer camp for each child.
The money earned is totaled and then split by the # of hours worked by each wrestler. In the past, wrestlers who worked all day earned over $100 towards camp at UVA, approximately 1/4 of the price!!
Wrestlers should start signing up with the coaches to let us know you will be working. You WILL GET DIRTY!! We may need a few parents to drive kids around, especially if you have a truck.
3. Summer Camp at the Univ. of Virginia - Sun., July 7 - Wed., July 10 - Overnight
While Summer Camp seems a long way off, we want to reserve our spot! Every year we have taken over 20 kids to camp, and we want to do it again!
UVA runs a team camp and the kids will learn technique as well as wrestle dual matches each day. It is fun and a great way to build a team connection as well as your skill level. Money from the mulch sale will go towards attending and we get a discount when we have over 10 people. For more information on UVA Camp, click here.
Registration can be brought to Coach Totaro, or send directly to UVA.
If you have any questions email Coach Totaro ( or Coach Costa (