Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Clemsen Clinic Brings More than 70 Wrestlers to Broad Run
UVA Coach Focuses On Footwork and Creating Offensive Attacks
Written by Special Correspondent Jessica DiNovo

     On Wednesday, October 17th, the Broad Run High School wrestling team hosted Virginia Wrestling Coach Alex Clemsen for a clinic for all people interested in joining wrestling, pursuing wrestling, or to just get in some extra practice before the season starts. The clinic started as most would with some warm up laps around the gym, and then directly into the instruction. The boys came into a semicircle and Coach Clemsen began to demonstrate the Virginia Way; the techniques used as the base of the Virginia Wrestling program.

     The focus of the day was proper stance and positioning, as well as how to properly create and attack from an offensive position.  Once a move was demonstrated, the group was released to practice them on their own.  Some of the best information passed on from Clemsen came from exactly HOW to get the person into the position desired; a common issue passed over by coaches and wrestlers alike.  This came from Clemsen's focus on 'moving the opponent' and 'preparing for the reaction.'  By understanding WHERE the opponent will be, the offensive opportunities don't necessarily increase, but the effectiveness of completing the attack does, and that, according to Clemsen is the main goal for a high school wrestler.

     After about an hour on their feet, Clemsen took to the mat to focus on the simplicity of top and bottom wrestling.  From the bottom, the focus was the constant knee slide; getting a wide base and hands free to fight the opponents' grip.  On top, Clemsen promoted the thigh pry with hip pressure to create pressure on the opponents' hands, followed by working to a tight waist and controlling a wrist.  Whatever the move, Clemsen focused on a message of explosive, but smart movements from the bottom, and a 5 point control system from the top.  Those 5 points were the hips, legs, and both arms being controlled by the top man's head, legs and hips.

    Overall the boys had an enriching wrestling experience. They learned new moves, improved on old ones, and perfected their techniques. The clinic was a great work out and learning experience for the guys and above all, a fantastic way to start off the 2012-2013 wrestling season. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Broad Run Wrestling 5K Off and Running
Grapplers and Ghouls Goes Smoothly with Over 300 Runners

     Saturday morning could not have come with better weather, or a better group of runners, for the 1st Broad Run Wrestling Grapplers and Ghouls 5K event hosted right in front of the school.  The temperature was wonderful, holding in the mid-50s for the start of the race, and with a total of 315 runners entering the race, the event was an incredible success.

     Runners of all ages were there from the Elementary Division to the 50+ General Public, and best of all, a variety of costumes were seen, including Waldo (who not surprisingly went missing later in the day).  Broad Run wrestlers, current and former, were on hand to run and the competitive nature was in full force as numerous members of both groups pushed to beat out current teammates and old friends.

     Even with fears of Hurricane Sandy threatening to ruin the day, people came out in droves to compete and win the coveted Grapplers and Ghouls Dog Tagz and Best Costume Awards.  Superheros seemed to be the theme on the course, and it was a little Captain America, shield and all, taking home the Best Costume trophy and Glory Days Grill gift certificate, and Super Woman took home Best Costume Runner Up.

     In what was obviously the most important grouping of the day, the Spartan Wrestling Alumni Association Group, it was Brian McDonald (21:45) and Becky Puterio (24:14) who were the fastest in their respective categories.  Placing 2nd and 3rd for the Men were Ken Parsons and Brandon Calderwood, and for the ladies, placing 2nd was Liz McDonald and Polly Hughes placed 3rd.

     Local running groups made up a large contingent of the young runners, and it was great to see these youngsters getting out and active, as well as seeing their parents coming out to join and support them.  In a time where video games and poor eating habits seem to be on the rise, it is uplifting to see such a great turnout of little ones being active, and placing quite well in the race!  Below is a picture of one local group and all of their members who ran the race!

     A huge amount of thanks goes out to all the parents, wrestlers and sponsors that helped to make the day go so smoothly.  Wrestlers showed up at 7am to first clean the football field following the Friday night homecoming game, then from there were setting up or preparing to race.  Parents were the equally as helpful, assisting with parking, check in, breakfast sales and so much more.  Our sponsors could not have been more helpful and we truly hope everyone will show patronage to those businesses that helped to support the program.

     For full race results be sure to check out the Results page of Potomac River Running or Click Here.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

 Broad Run to Start Marketing Internship
Program Looks to Increase Attendance and Opinion of the Sport of Wrestling

     As many know, the sport of wrestling has always been considered a second tier sport, possibly even lower than that when it comes to attendance and general interest from the general public.  Sure, there are the pockets of the country where wrestling is king - Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Iowa - but for most of the country, wrestling is a niche sport that only those involved in understand or follow.

     The Broad Run Wrestling program is hoping to change that with its new marketing internship for the program.  With the help of applicants from the school's DECA program, a group that focuses their class and club efforts in the areas of Sports Marketing and other sales and promotions, BRW is looking to better promote the program in the school and in the community.  

     "Our goal has a couple of pieces to it," said JJ Totaro, coach of the Spartans.  "We want to increase our attendance and the acceptance of wrestling as a sport, while also promoting and growing the sport among the younger and older populations of our area.  But we also figured it was a great opportunity to create a real-world experience for the kids on how to market a sports program."  

     The DECA program has accepted the opportunity with open, and excited, arms.  "Our kids need to earn hours for their Marketing Cooperative efforts anyway, this is an excellent way to do this for some of the kids," said Cheryl Daley, teacher at Broad Run and one of the leaders of DECA, "and I think a lot of our kids would be really excited to do something like this."

     The internship's goals have been spelled out in very specific terms to describe what is involved.  Students will apply and be interviewed before being chosen as part of the program.  Anywhere from 1-4 applicants will be chosen to create a marketing director, or a marketing team for Broad Run Wrestling.  Their goals include increasing the social media presence of BRW, as well as looking to increase attendance at events and finding creative ways to promote the events to the study body at Broad Run, but also the local middle schools.  Those chosen will have a small budget to work with for different ideas and will gain valuable knowledge, which also will be a great resume builder for their upcoming college applications.

     According to Coach Totaro, "we are really excited about the ideas the kids may have and to have the opportunity to focus more on coaching and less on the "other stuff.  Plus we feel this will be an excellent opportunity for the kids to see how difficult, and fun, a real job can be."  The students and wrestling staff will work hand in hand on a regular basis all season long, with hopes of continuing the relationship through the off-season.

     So where does an idea like this come from?  "We would love to take credit for the idea, but we stole it" said Totaro, "The coaches of UVA and Coyte Cooper were gracious enough to share the NCAA Marketing Manual that was released at the NWCA Coaches Convention and have helped to adapt it to fit a high school program."  The coaches were especially thankful to the efforts of UVA's Alex Clemsen, who has really aided in creation of some of the ideas, as well as hosting the upcoming clinic, which has given the first "marketable" activity.  

     Only the future will tell how effective the program will be, but they are optimistic that this internship will help both the DECA and wrestling program and that it will grow to other sports in the coming years.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Broad Run Wrestling Unveils Its New Mantra
Program Looks to Encompass the Program in a Few Words

     The wrestling program of Broad Run has always based itself on a few key practices - discipline, commitment and dedication.  And over the years, those key phrases have been used to apply to not just the wrestling room, but all parts of a Spartan wrestler's life; from academics to athletics, social life to family and home life.  Now, the program is looking to take those words to the next level.

     A new mantra has been coined by the coaches and wrestlers to encompass everything the program stands for in one simple message.  That simple message is this;

     What does it mean?  It means that in everything a member of the Spartan Wrestling team involves him or herself in, he or she should follow the message of the program.  Not only should they live their life with discipline, dedication and commitment, but they should train that way, and wrestle that way on the mat.

     Why the new mantra?  The reason for it is to give a quick and easy marketing message that people associate with the program when they hear it.  The goal is to make this the calling card of the program so that when someone sees the phrase "SpartanStrong" they associate it with BR Wrestling, as mantras like Natitude for the Washington Nationals invoke immediate thoughts of the team.

    What is the goal?  The goal is to better market the program and to give it a phrase that links directly to our program while encompassing everything the program stands for.  Those in the program feel that this does it very well and look forward to representing and spreading the new mantra of Broad Run Wrestling.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

2012-2013 Varsity Schedules

2012-2013 Broad Run Spartan Varsity Schedules Released

New Schedules Highlight Wrestlers and Alumni Dates

     The Spartans have released their calendar for the upcoming season, and its better than ever!  Starring on the front of the schedule are some of the Varsity starters and the schedule even details all the special events going on during the season.  Alumni Night, Senior Night, you name it, it's listed and ready to go for everyone to be able to follow along all season.

     Cant make it to the matches - that's okay.  Just flip to the back of the schedule and find all the ways to stay up to date with your team through Facebook, Twitter and our other online options.  Alumni have already had their copies sent and should see it any day now.  If you have not received a copy and you want yours be sure to contact us and request a schedule!  

     Contact us at james.totaro@lcps.org to request your schedule today!!