Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Spartans Start Season with Inter-Squad Scrimmages
Event Aids in Understanding for Parents, Rookies
Photography by: Jessica DiNovo

     Saturday, Nov. 17 - The Spartan Wrestling team opened its season with its first event - an inter squad scrimmage of wrestle-offs - and used it as a way to help rookies and parents alike better understand the way a match, and the sport in general work.  
    Officiating was done by a referee from the local association who was working on his craft as much as some of the newcomers to the sport.  After a quick introduction to new rule changes and how a match and brackets work, it was off to the start of matches. 

     With it being the opening event of the season, matches were run in a 1/1/1 format - or basically one minute periods for the entire three minute match.  That bracketing format was slightly altered to allow rookies to face other young rookies in the early rounds versus having them see Varsity starters in the first round, as might happen in true formatting.  "Our goal is to let the kids have a 'first match' experience, not scare them off by facing a stud on the first day," said Coach Totaro.  He continued by saying, "if we can get a few jitters out and also be able to evaluate our team after two weeks of practice, its a successful event."

     And successful it was.  The wrestle-offs were open to the public and free of charge and numerous parents showed up to cheer on their sons and for some, to experience it for the first time.  Though the crowd was filled with cheers and moments of fearful looks, the overall support of the program parents was outstanding.  "You always want parents involved, and from what we saw today, we have some great parents" said Coach Costa. 

     While not all the matches were able to be finished, many of them were able to get to the final rounds,whichh will determine the starting roster for Week 1 of the season.  Each wrestler was able to get in at least one match, but the remaining matches will be completed this Friday at 10am at practice.  Following the completion of the wrestle-offs, starting line-ups and depth charts will be posted, as well as choosing the 20-22 wrestlers who will make up the Varsity practice room.

     "All in all, we are happy with our progress" says Totaro, "we had a few surprises - nice surprises - and a couple of kids who look like they can help us this year on Varsity."  Look for full results on Saturday, November 24th, right here on the BR Wrestling Online Newsletter. 


  1. Enjoyed watching the boys begin there season. Good luck to the boys and coaches for a successful season.
