Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DiNovo's Top 10
Photography by Jessica DiNovo

  The newest installment of wrestling photography from our personal photo bug, Jessica DiNovo.  Check out her best from the past week!

Zach Fossett catches the leg and looks
to reverse his opponent.
Breaking him flat, Mauricio works to dig the bar in.

Paolo Cardella causes some legal pain as he works to lock up the hammer lock.
Freshman Millad Zahedi tightens a left-side bar
against King George.

Ben Paul scores the two and works to keep his opponent from fleeing the mat.

Senior Tarkan Martin plants his opponent's
 face securely in the mat.

Helping to secure a Spartan victory over Freedom, Sophomore Ewen Riordan breaks down his opponent after a 3rd period takedown.

Phillip James gets great elevation of the ankle
as he breaks his opponent down.

Connor Bryant; on the attack.
Loya locks up the crotch lock and readies for launch.

Check in next week, for more great pictures from the Loudoun Valley Duals.

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