Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spartans 3-0 in Cedar Run with Huge Win Over Rival Freedom
Team Also Takes 2nd at the Freedom Duals
Photography by Jessica DiNovo

  The rivalry between Freedom and Broad Run is relatively young, but has stayed consistent as the two schools have traveled from AA to AAA together; the only two schools in Loudoun that have done so.  Add to that the fact that it has been Freedom that, in recent past, has kept Broad Run away from a potential District Championship, and it is easy to see why the rivalry is there.

Corbo works to the fall at 113lbs against Freedom.
  On Saturday, the two teams met, at the Freedom Duals, and would start the day with a dual against one another.  With a win, the Spartans could keep their hopes of a regular season District championship alive, and after winning 10 of 14 matches the Spartans moved to 3-0 in the Cedar Run and took one step closer to earning the crown that has not been attained since the Class of 1995.

Martin's win solidified a Spartan victory
over rival Freedom.

  Starting at 182, the Spartans were able to take an early lead as Connor Bryant won by decision.  Freedom would quickly tie the match 3-3 with a close 3-1 loss to Kammerdeiner.  From there, Broad Run would go on a roll, winning 7 of the next 8 matches.  Senior Phillip James would secure a win at 220, and Ewen Riordan would endure a long match before coming out on top.  The terrible twosome of Timmy Brown and Tyler Corbo both tallied big wins which began to put the match out of reach for the Eagles.

  Entering the 145 match of Tarkan Martin v. Andy Hinrichs, the Spartans needed only one more decision to solidify victory.  Tarkan scored an early takedown, but Hinrichs would then take a 3-2 lead going into the 2nd period.  From there, Martin would take control and earn a 7-4 decision to put the dual out of reach and keep the Spartans undefeated.

  "It was a huge win for us." said Coach Totaro, "and we definitely did what we needed to do to achieve our goals."  The team would parlay the 40-16 victory over Freedom to add 3 more dual wins to their record on the day and win their pool.  "Beating Freedom was awesome.  They were missing some guys, but we still felt we had a good shot to make it happen" said Coach Josh Costa.

  The next 3 victories came over King George, William Monroe and Edison high schools, which put the Spartans in the final against Pool B winner Mt. Vernon.  Though the match was close, Mt. Vernon would prove too much for the Spartans, who would place 2nd for the 2nd time in dual tournaments this season.

  Up next for the Spartans will be the Loudoun Valley Duals, which will be 8 matches over 2 days.  be sure to check back in for more details on the event.

Team picture after placing 2nd at the Freedom Duals.

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